Welcome TS7 Clan & All friends!

What is TS7 clan? It's a group of Xbox live friends that get together to mainly play the Battlefield franchise. Sometimes we beast the enemy teams of the map, but hey that's all a part of the game. No we don't cheat... haters! Step yo game up!

Official Battlefield YouTube channel at bottom of page.

Monday, April 18, 2011

TS7 Team Logo

I almost forgot to give TS7 member DarkKnight2K10 his props for creating the TS7 Logo like a whole year ago!!


  1. Thanks West. I dig the site, and think we should do up some shirts!


  2. We are pleased (in my Julius Caesar voice)!!

  3. looks like a rip from the expendables. just kidding gotham savior.

  4. what up, this NONO, now yall know that this site and clan logo is the shit and the urine . what up TS7, lets get it . getcha stab on .
