Welcome TS7 Clan & All friends!

What is TS7 clan? It's a group of Xbox live friends that get together to mainly play the Battlefield franchise. Sometimes we beast the enemy teams of the map, but hey that's all a part of the game. No we don't cheat... haters! Step yo game up!

Official Battlefield YouTube channel at bottom of page.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BF3 Game Mode Switching??

OK, I'm a loyal Hardcore only Battlefield player and I have never complained about EA or DICE, except for when they change the game because to many people cried about it instead of stepping their game up and playing better.... But this?!? They did it on purpose, the servers have new names like "DEATHMATCH ACTION" & "SOLDIER SKIRMISHES" and so on. I play all game modes but sometimes I just want to play a particular game mode not every random mode that somebody picked out & thought it would be cool! Fix it now A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!